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5 ‘health foods’ that can backfire
Those juicy red berries are a summertime favorite. And eating them does great things for the body… including bolstering the immune system, strengthening the heart, balancing hormones, preserving the memory, reducing gastrointestinal problems, reducing inflammation and more.
And they taste pretty good, too, so we love to eat lots of them.
The unfortunate fact is that strawberries are one of the world’s dirtiest foods, and we’re not talking about dirt from the ground.
For three years in a row, strawberries have topped the Environmental Working Group’s ‘Dirty Dozen’ list of fruits and vegetables with the most pesticides. Residue of 81 different pesticides were found on the strawberry samples they tested.
One of the most widely used with strawberries is methyl bromide, a soil fumigant. It is connected with kidney, respiratory and neurological damage, and has been found to cause cancer and birth defects.
To enjoy strawberries safely, grow your own, meet with local farmers and visit farmer’s markets. But always ask! Don’t assume you’re getting organic strawberries without checking first.