5 ways melatonin fights aging (besides better sleep)

Healthy foods

Getting more melatonin

There are a number of foods, particularly tropical fruits, which naturally provide extra melatonin as well as providing precursors that improve the body’s own melatonin production. These include pineapples, bananas and oranges. Cherries are also a good source, as are oats, corn, barley and tomatoes. My favorite is tart cherry juice.

Supplements are also an option, but pregnant women should consult with their doctors. Most of us however can consider them safe and look forward to better sleep and better health with melatonin.


  1. Sofic E, Rimpapa Z, Kundurovic Z, et al. Antioxidant capacity of the neurohormone melatonin. J Neural Transm. 2005;112:349-58.
  2. Maestroni GJ, Conti A, Pierpaoli W. Pineal melatonin, its fundamental immunoregulatory role in aging and cancer. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 1988;521:140-8.
  3. Pierpaoli W, Regelson W. Pineal control of aging: effect of melatonin and pineal grafting on aging mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 1994 Jan 18;91(2):787-91.
  4. Sofic E, Rimpapa Z, Kundurovic Z, et al. Antioxidant capacity of the neurohormone melatonin. J Neural Transm. 2005;112:349-58.
  5. Cardinali DP, Pagano ES, Scacchi Bernasconi PA, Reynoso R, Scacchi P. Melatonin and mitochondrial dysfunction in the central nervous system. Horm Behav. 2012 Feb 25.

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