6 Simple weight loss hacks you’ve never heard of (slideshow)

#6 Is your dinner plate making you fat?

If you’re carrying around a few extra pounds, your dinner plate could be to blame.

No, really — your actual plate…

  • A large dinner plate actually fools your brain into thinking you have less food so you eat more without even realizing it.
  • The color of your plate could actually stop you from overeating. Since we normally think of the color red as meaning, “Danger!” it signals our brain to stop. So, if you want to eat less, try replacing your old kitchen set with red dinnerware instead.
  • If your food blends into your plate, you see the portion size as smaller. In fact, the closer the color of your food is to the color of your plate such as green beans on a green plate or pasta with alfredo sauce on a white plate, the more you’re likely to eat.
  • When your plate contrasts with its background, for example, a white plate and a blue tablecloth you eat more. In fact, reducing the color contrast between your dinnerware and its background helps reduce over-serving by as much as 10%.

Read: 10 Superfoods that burn belly fat (infographic)

Easy Health Options Staff

By Easy Health Options Staff

Submitted by the staff at Easy Health Options®.