7 steps to lose weight (even after menopause) [slideshow]

3. Best your stress

It’s not going to go away as long as you have a heart rate. Learn to harness the power of your stress and the stress hormone cortisol. It is after all, also the energy hormone.

Exercise early when cortisol is highest. Allow yourself to chill in the evening when stress hormones should be coming down. Embrace the idea that stress is a natural part of a meaningful life.

Read: Zap Your Stress And Get Re-Energized

Debra Atkinson

By Debra Atkinson

Debra Atkinson Is the founder of the Flipping 50 movement and host of the Flipping 50 podcast and TV show available on your iphone, ipad, and Apple TV. She is the author of four books including You Still Got It, Girl! The After 50 Fitness Formula For Women and Navigating Fitness After 50: Your GPS For Choosing Programs and Professionals You Can Trust.

Debra is a contributing blogger on the Huffington Post, ShareCare, Prime Woman, and Livingbetter50. She provides solutions for women approaching 50 or who have already turned the corner on what to eat, how to move, and the mindset for lifestyle change with hormone balance that will make the next years as the best years. Find her resources here.