8 tips to spring into that summer body (slideshow)

2. Trade quantity for quality

Ditch your “go-to” long run for some hill training or fast exercise. Anything you feel you “have” to do may need a refresh. Your mind wants the fix but your body likely needs the break. Override.

Example: Susan walks 3 miles most days of the week. For a boost in her results, she can trade two of those 3-mile walks for 30 minutes of power walking every other block. Her goal is to be so out of breath she wants to slow it down between those fast walks.

Peak Maximum Endurance

At middle age, you start feeling changes in your body you may chalk up to aging: energy levels hit rock bottom, weight soars, muscles become soft, skin becomes wrinkled and slack and desire tanks. You may feel past your prime — but science says that’s wrong! MORE⟩⟩


Debra Atkinson

By Debra Atkinson

Debra Atkinson Is the founder of the Flipping 50 movement and host of the Flipping 50 podcast and TV show available on your iphone, ipad, and Apple TV. She is the author of four books including You Still Got It, Girl! The After 50 Fitness Formula For Women and Navigating Fitness After 50: Your GPS For Choosing Programs and Professionals You Can Trust.

Debra is a contributing blogger on the Huffington Post, ShareCare, Prime Woman, and Livingbetter50. She provides solutions for women approaching 50 or who have already turned the corner on what to eat, how to move, and the mindset for lifestyle change with hormone balance that will make the next years as the best years. Find her resources here.