The stroke-stopping supplement trio (slideshow)

natural nutrients pack a powerful punch against arterial plaque

Why choose natural options for your heart?

Not only do these research-backed natural nutrients pack a powerful punch against arterial plaque, but they’re completely non-invasive. Your doctor on the other hand, would recommend something totally unnatural… stenting.

But a review showed that there is no data confirming that these procedures reduce the risk of stroke, which is the stated reason for the surgery and the stent in the first place.

And what about statins? There are the studies they want you to see that make it out to be a miracle drug. But other studies show that for every 10,000 people on statins, there were:

  • 307 additional patients with cataracts.
  • 23 more patients with acute kidney failure.
  • 74 additional patients with liver dysfunction.

Another scientific review found that statins were even worse for women, actually increasing their risk for cardiac disease.

Easy Health Options Staff

By Easy Health Options Staff

Submitted by the staff at Easy Health Options®.