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Joyce Hollman

The brain chemical that helps banish unwanted thoughts

Being able to control the thoughts that go through your mind from moment to moment can be hard. You’re trying to concentrate but you can’t stop thinking about everything else but what you need to focus on. Here are some scientific tricks that work… including boosting an effective neurotransmitter.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

People with happy spouses may live longer

You’ve probably heard the saying, “Happy wife, happy life.” According to my husband, it’s one that’s extremely accurate. If I’m happy, his life is going well too. If I’m not, then he’s more likely to be stressed and unhappy as well. But new research shows that old adage goes both ways… and has a major impact on your health.

Dr. Michael Cutler

7 ways the chemistry of positive emotions can make you well

Positive — or negative emotions — change your body chemistry. Think for a moment about this. How does it feel to communicate/show kindness, forgiveness, acceptance, or love?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The 12-minute trick to a happier life

How do you lift your spirits when you’re feeling a little down? Researchers found that the way your thoughts revolve around the people around you can go a long way toward making you a happier person and it only takes 12 minutes. And the technique worked across the board on people of all different personality types.

Joyce Hollman

Did the FDA really just approve a ‘party drug’ to treat depression?

Ketamine has long been abused as a “street drug,” with side effects like convulsions, irregular heartbeat, hives, shortness of breath and blurry vision. So, why would the FDA approve a drug from this dangerous source for people who are already emotionally at risk, and put off a “natural drug” that’s safer?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

A secret for ‘controlling’ how young you can feel

Recent research is proving that the secret to feeling young is something most of us wouldn’t expect… It turns out that while how much stress they’re under and how healthy they are plays a significant role in how old younger adults feel, for the over 60 crowd, one big factor that took center stage…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

One weird reason antidepressants may not work

Anyone who has ever dealt with depression knows how alone it can make you feel. Not only is it like living under a cloud, but it’s hard to really talk about how you feel, especially when the doctors keep insisting their pills will make you feel better. Well, now we know why they’re wrong.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Can you measure the health benefits of your social life?

Would you like to be that person who’s still active, engaged and sharp at 100 years old, living independently and enjoying time with the great grandkids? If you’re a social butterfly, you’re half way there. And now, a new study has figured out why — by measuring the benefits of being social.

Joyce Hollman

6+ diseases you could avoid by being happier

Chronically high levels of the stress hormone cortisol can lead to heart disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. Now, there’s evidence that stress can have more far-reaching effects on your body than you might have imagined.

Joyce Hollman

Why being angry can make you a target for diabetes

Can stress cause diabetes? Isn’t that all about blood sugar? Not according to recent evidence. It seems there’s a real connection between stress, hostility, pessimism, and the onset of diabetes…

Joyce Hollman

4 real health benefits of a good cry

When was the last time you had a good cry? For me, it was just the other day. When it was over, boy, did I feel good! Why? It turns out there’s science behind what tears do for your emotional well-being as well as your physical health…

Jenny Smiechowski

2 natural ways to neutralize bipolar disorder

Bipolar disorder can derail a person’s life. Most people need medication to get their serious symptoms in check and their life back on track. But two natural approaches shown to improve bipolar symptoms are making life better for people facing this challenge.