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Brain Health

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Virginia Tims-Lawson

Bone loss: A significant risk factor for dementia

Bone loss and dementia are both health problems we have a higher risk of as we age. So for years, there’s been speculation about a connection between these issues. What they’ve found will have you running for your next bone density screening.

Carolyn Gretton

The ‘every day’ nutrient that takes down the Alzheimer’s gene

It’s unsettling to get news you carry the Alzheimer’s gene. But even though it may raise your risk of cognitive decline, there are ways to offset it. One of them is a nutrient you already eat every day, and if you eat more, you can lower that risk by 30 percent…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Significant sign of cellular aging linked to Alzheimer’s

It’s a given that short telomeres accelerate aging. But after decades of research into plaques and tangles as hallmarks of Alzheimer’s, new insights show those tiny caps at the end of our DNA strands also affect brain structure, and why we need to keep them longer as long as possible…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Simply press these points for headache relief

Headaches don’t have to ache. Before your head starts hurting again, check out this quick and easy guide to the acupressure points that can head off headache pain before the suffering intensifies. You may be amazed at how well and fast these points quell pain.

Joyce Hollman

The ‘invisible’ chemical increasing Parkinson’s diagnoses

Trichloroethylene is a chemical used in manufacturing as a solvent and degreaser. Up until the 1970s, it was used to decaffeinate coffee, of all things. Now, there’s a strong possibility it’s increasing cases of Parkinson’s disease…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Reading: The guilty pleasure that could save your memory

There’s nothing better than getting lost in a book. Whether it’s a steamy romance novel or a seat-of-your-pants mystery that keeps you turning those pages late into the night, never feel your “guilty pleasure” is a waste of time. The truth is, it just might save your memory…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The stroke risk linked to depression

Depression is considered a serious mood disorder. But there’s a big difference between having a blue mood occasionally and being depressed. It’s not usually something you can just push through, and that’s just one reason to seek help. Another is the increased risk for stroke…

Joyce Hollman

Laxatives linked to high dementia risk

Chronic constipations affects more Americans than care to admit. If you’re one of them and reach for laxatives for relief, take a close look at the type and how many you use. Your future brain health may depend on it…

Carolyn Gretton

The link between your toothbrush and silent brain damage

Over the years, we’ve learned more about how the health of your mouth can affect your entire body. But oral health risk factors that contribute to stroke prompted research into how caring for your mouth could save your brain from silent damage…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The silent surgery risk your doctor may not know about

If you’re age 65 or older and considering surgery, know your risks. Especially if the surgery is elective. You’ll need to weigh the chances of a newly recognized risk and what it could do to your life… against the potential benefits you’ll get from having the surgery. And it’s a threat your doctor may not be aware of yet…

Joyce Hollman

Obesity causes brain changes that mimic Alzheimer’s

Strange as it sounds, obesity is a form of premature aging. But though that’s been well established, experts were still shocked to see how similar obesity-related neurodegeneration is to changes in an Alzheimer’s brain…

Joyce Hollman

Old diabetes drug with a dangerous past may treat Alzheimer’s

Ever hear the expression, “out of the frying pan, into the fire”? It means going from a bad situation to one that may be even worse. Like taking a drug linked to heart issues, bladder cancer and liver toxicity and giving it new life as an Alzheimer’s treatment.