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Jenny Smiechowski

The painkiller causing heart attacks and strokes

When you suffer from excruciating pain, it’s hard to turn down prescription painkillers, even though you know they come with side effects. But I have some information that could make that easier: It turns out a common prescription painkiller comes with serious cardiovascular risks…

Joyce Hollman

Why protecting your hearing could prevent dementia

Many people confuse dementia with Alzheimer’s, when it’s really just one cause of dementia. Other causes include Parkinson’s and Huntington’s diseases, stroke and depression. But, research has uncovered a previously unrecognized cause you need to hear about…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

How to save your brain in 2 minutes

When you sit, your heart doesn’t beat fast and your blood doesn’t pump as quickly. This adds up to less oxygen and nutrients flowing to your brain to help you stay sharp, focused and to preserve your memory and cognitive function as you age. You can fix that in just 2 minutes…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The happiness secret to living longer

We would probably all like to live to a healthy ripe old age. Yet, even though most of us are taking more control of our health than ever before, there’s one thing that we’ve been missing… and it has a huge impact on how long you live. Here are 5 ways to get it…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why being “skinny fat” may be worse than being obese

Are you skinny fat? It’s not hard to tell if you are… Being skinny fat means you have too much fat and too little muscle mass. Either one of these conditions on their own has a negative impact on your health. But together? They’re a recipe for disaster…

Jenny Smiechowski

Loneliness is a symptom that makes heart disease worse

Do you live alone? Without a husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, brother, sister, son, daughter or roommate? Now, let me ask you another one… Do you feel lonely? Some people are perfectly content to spend time alone. But if you’re not one of them, it can lead to…


Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Simple exercises to reduce migraine frequency and pain

If you’ve never had a migraine, you’re one of the lucky ones. But, if you or a loved one suffers from these severe headaches that can come on without warning, last until you don’t know if you can take another second and even land you in the emergency room, there is hope…

Jenny Smiechowski

The strange symptom that increases dementia risk 54 percent

There’s a name for a sudden drop in blood pressure that makes you feel faint, lightheaded or dizzy when you stand up. It’s called orthostatic hypotension. And it comes with obvious and less obvious dangers. Then there’s the huge harm it can do to your brain…

Margaret Cantwell

How feeling young can ‘put the brakes’ on aging

You know the saying, “You’re only as young as you feel?” There’s a lot more truth to that saying than you may think… and science is proving it. So, take an inventory of the activities, people, interests and hobbies that make you feel happy and alive, because people who feel younger age better. Believe what you want to believe. But be warned… there’s proof it might affect how you age.

Joyce Hollman

The antidepressant that trades happiness for death and stroke

If your doctor gave you a medication that worked so-so for it’s intended use, but after taking it you find you’ve traded one problem for a whole set of new ones, you might not be too happy, right? What if the new problems included stroke and risk of early death?

Joyce Hollman

The invisible surgical risk your doctor isn’t talking about

There’s no doubt that surgery can be a life-changing event. In fact, the time leading up to surgery, as well as time spent recuperating can be a very stress-filled time. But normally your doctor prepares you for what to expect, right? Not necessarily…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Too much or too little and your risk of dementia spikes

Your risks of dementia may go up as you age but it’s not inevitable. There are ways to significantly reduce the chances of ending up with the disease and protect your brain health and memories starting today. But, when it comes to alcohol, it gets tricky…