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Blood Pressure

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Easy Health Options Staff

Crush cancer risk and lower your blood pressure?

Doctors and nutritionists are behind the curve on this one. New discoveries you probably won’t hear about from them now show that the signals sent within our bodies are critical for good health.

Easy Health Options Staff

The super supplement that blocks stress

Yale researchers have found one particular problem that’s attacking women’s hearts …

Dr. Mark Wiley

20 best foods for a strong heart

Having a healthy long life may just be a matter of consuming the right foods.With that one change, you can lower blood pressure, reduce bad cholesterol and reduce the burden on your cardio system. Get started with this list…

Jenny Smiechowski

Best playlist to lower blood pressure, heart rate and cortisol

Music’s healing effect has been demonstrated on everything from colds to cerebral palsy. And the latest science suggests you could harness that power to accomplish some pretty amazing things. But some tunes work better than others…

Margaret Cantwell

My incredible disappearing hypertension

My blood pressure issues go way back. Early in my life, my high blood pressure surprised my doctors since I wasn’t overweight, exercised frequently and ate what they thought was a healthy diet. But it wasn’t until …

Easy Health Options Staff

New prescription lowers blood pressure — without side effects

Researchers in Australia have discovered a new prescription that seems to be effective against blood pressure… and get this: It has no adverse side effects. This ‘wonder drug’ also also shows promise at relieving heart disease, stress, anxiety and depression.


Dr. Isaac Eliaz

How to achieve lower blood pressure, naturally

What causes high blood pressure? Unfortunately, it’s complicated, and there isn’t just one smoking gun. There are really no telltale signs. One of the key elements to remember …

Easy Health Options Staff

The blood pressure danger you never hear about

If you have high blood pressure, you’re probably tired of hearing your doctor warn you off of salt, salt and more salt. Well, you should know that salt is not the enemy it was once thought to be. In fact, the culprit you should be most concerned about is…

Easy Health Options Staff

10 sneaky causes of heart disease [infographic]

Cardiovascular disease remains the No. 1 killer in the United States. This is a tragic statistic when you realize that there are numerous ways to reduce the risks of heart attacks and strokes.

Easy Health Options Staff

Reverse and prevent high blood pressure naturally [infographic]

Don’t be bamboozled by a drug company’s marketing message that insists their over-priced, side effect-ridden pills can keep you healthy when your body is crying out for a cure. Natural methods can be safer and better!

Jenny Smiechowski

America’s most-eaten vegetable leads to hypertension

Who has time for blood sugar spikes? And then there is the whole “nightshade” stigma. Nightshade vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes and eggplants have been linked to chronic pain and inflammation…

Margaret Cantwell

The superstar supplement that deflates high blood pressure

I’ve written before about this paleo superstar antioxidant that could save your life. Your body produces it, but many things, including medicines, deplete it. Considering that it beats diabetes, fights cancer and deflates blood pressure, don’t let that happen…