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Anti-Aging Supplements

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Carolyn Gretton

Nothing fishy about the supplement that slowed aging

Your body runs on clocks. And one of them is a good indicator of how fast you’re aging. A research team has found that if you’d like to slow that down, even late in life, there’s one nutrient you’ll want to take every day…

Joyce Hollman

Colorful carotenoids: Foods that fight aging inside and out

Carotenoids are pigments in brightly colored fruits and vegetables. They’re also powerful antioxidants with a serious capacity to scavenge free radicals and guard against cellular damage. But their anti-aging effects don’t stop there…

Carolyn Gretton

The supplement that could prevent age-related macular degeneration

For years, scientists have been trying to stop age-related macular degeneration. And while there still is no drug cure, supplements like the AREDS formulations can slow progression — but they can’t prevent the onset. That’s where melatonin comes in…

Joyce Hollman

7 amazing benefits of pterostilbene

If you try to stay on top of your heart, brain and blood sugar health, you’re aware of resveratrol, the polyphenol found in red wine and dark chocolate. But what about its powerful cousin? From blood pressure to calorie burn, you’ll want pterostilbene in your life…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The link between mitochondria, Alzheimer’s and pomegranates

If you’ve heard anything about Alzheimer’s, you’ve heard plenty about the amyloid and tau protein signatures that harm the brain. But these aren’t the only proteins that clump, and research says that secret links mitochondria and the potential to reverse a variety of age-related ailments.

Margaret Cantwell

The best nutrients to fight the #1 source of premature aging

The sun is responsible for about 90 percent of skin aging by damaging key proteins responsible for keeping it firm and smooth: collagen and elastin. You can fight back from the inside out with nutrients research says add a second layer of protection against photoaging.


Joyce Hollman

Another major study confirms: Multivitamins slow cognitive decline

Clinical trials have already shown multivitamins can help reduce cognitive decline. Now findings not only confirm they can improve memory performance by years, but why people with heart problems should be especially excited about this research…

Margaret Cantwell

CoQ10: Your personal fountain of youth

St. Augustine, Florida, is said to be where Ponce de Leon discovered the legendary fountain of youth. If you’re looking for a lovely vacation, St. Augustine is a great choice. But if you’re looking for your own fountain of youth, how about an option heavier on science than myth…

Jenny Smiechowski

The superstar antioxidant that stops osteoarthritis in its tracks

Osteoarthritis is a pain in the butt, or more accurately, the knee, hip, hand, neck or back. The loss of cartilage in these areas leads to painful bone rubbing that can prevent you from doing all sorts of everyday activities. Unfortunately, doctors can’t help much, but there is a promising antioxidant that not only relieves the pain but could stop osteoarthritis from progressing…

Jenny Smiechowski

The antioxidant that protects your brain’s barrier

Inflammation is a huge factor when it comes to Alzheimer’s. It’s triggered by a build-up of proteins that kill your brain cells. And it may cause the build-up in the first place. One thing’s for sure, inflammation causes the disease to progress quickly and severely.

Joyce Hollman

Simple hack boosts effectiveness of anti-aging supplements

It’s no secret that nutritious food, exercise and a low-stress lifestyle can add up to a longer, healthier life. But is that enough? It doesn’t have to be, when research has uncovered a treasure trove of nutrients that can help. And now they’ve found you can boost their effectiveness by taking them at the right time.

Carolyn Gretton

How are ‘SuperAgers’ avoiding Alzheimer’s?

While scientists have been able to identify key markers of Alzheimer’s disease, they’re still trying to work out why some people develop the disease and others do not. Some, called ‘SuperAgers,’ even appear to be resistant. And researchers are trying to unravel their secret…