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Copper’s fat-burning secret

If you’re carrying around unwanted pounds, you know how hard it can be to kick your metabolism into gear and drop the weight.
In fact, our entire diet culture seems to be set up to ensure you fail.
That’s why over 33 billion dollars is spent on weight loss products in the U.S. alone every year, and why two-thirds of adults are overweight or obese.
From fat-free snacks that hide loads of sugar and additives that actually pack on the pounds… to diet drinks packed with Splenda, that cause cancer — if you are following traditional diet advice, your health and weight loss goals are in trouble.
The good news is that the latest research has shown a way to actually restore your body’s natural ability to burn fat and use it for energy instead of storing it on your hips, belly, and thighs… no more crash diets required.
Breaking down the fat
While studying a genetic problem in mice, a research team at the University of California’s Berkeley Lab discovered the link between a surprising metal and the body’s ability to break down fat.
And, this discovery could change the course of dieting for millions…
The scientists found that the mice with more of the metal in their blood actually broke down fat better than mice with lower levels.
Even better, they found that this metal wasn’t just important to fat metabolism — it was a “regulator”… meaning that the more there was of it in the body, the more fat was broken down.
Continuous fat-burning
The metal the scientists found to have such a major impact on the metabolism of fat was copper.
Now, we’ve heard of copper being used for everything from cookware to immune system supplements, but this new discovery blows everything else out of the water.
You see, what the scientists discovered was that copper basically keeps your body in fat-burning mode, even when you are doing absolutely nothing. Usually when you are resting, you don’t continuously burn fat. But copper basically blocks the ‘off switch’ for fat burning.
Considering how deficient the American diet is in copper, is it any surprise that we are one of the most obese countries on the planet?
Getting the copper you need
Since our bodies don’t produce the metal naturally, adding copper rich foods to your diet is vital whether you need to drop 10 pounds or 50 pounds. The best food sources of copper are:
- Leafy greens – Kale, spinach, mustard and beet greens, and Swiss chard are excellent sources of copper.
- Seafood – Oysters, squid, lobster and crab are all high in copper.
- Seeds – Sesame, Black seeds, sunflower, pumpkin, and flaxseeds are all great choices to enhance your fat-burning.
- Beans – Chickpeas, soybeans, kidney and white beans are all copper-rich and make a great side dish for any meal.
- Mushrooms – An excellent waist-shrinking food, Shitake mushrooms have the highest copper levels but you can also use white or morel mushrooms to get your natural copper boost.
- Nuts – Cashews, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, and walnuts are all great copper-rich snack foods.
If you’re ready to jump-start your metabolism, it has never been easier, with no more yo-yoing, dangerous diet foods or outdated exercise advice. You can re-start your body’s natural fat burning processes by feeding it the essential mineral it craves, copper.
Editor’s note: Did you know that when you take your body from acid to alkaline you can boost your energy, lose weight, soothe digestion, avoid illness and achieve wellness? Click here to discover The Alkaline Secret to Ultimate Vitality and revive your life today!
Lakshmi Krishnamoorthy, Joseph A Cotruvo, Jefferson Chan, Harini Kaluarachchi, Abigael Muchenditsi, Venkata S Pendyala, Shang Jia, Allegra T Aron, Cheri M Ackerman, Mark N Vander Wal, Timothy Guan, Lukas P Smaga, Samouil L Farhi, Elizabeth J New, Svetlana Lutsenko, Christopher J Chang. Copper regulates cyclic-AMP-dependent lipolysis. Nature Chemical Biology, 2016; DOI: 10.1038/nchembio.2098