Blue light

Carolyn Gretton

The night and day difference light makes on your lifespan

Before electricity, people went to bed at dark and rose with the sun. Today, light bombards every part of our lives, but little of it is natural. Depending on your exposure, it could increase or decrease you lifespan by 34%.

Joyce Hollman

The light aging your skin that sunscreen can’t block

Electronic screens expose your eyes to the damaging effects of blue light. But what many don’t know is, the sun is a significant source of blue light and, just like UV rays, blue light prematurely ages your skin. But unlike UV rays, sunscreen can’t protect you…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Busting the myths about screentime, blue light and sleep

You’ve probably heard all the warnings about cutting down on screentime at bedtime to avoid blue light, especially if you hope to get a good night’s sleep. Not so fast. It turns out you can have your iPad, phone or TV, and your sleep too if you just follow a few simple rules…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why seniors are especially vulnerable to blue light

If you don’t think you’re being over-exposed to blue light, you’re kidding yourself. Think about how often you talk, text, check Facebook, send an email or order groceries on your smartphone, tablet or computer. Now, the news about blue light has gotten more worrisome…

Carolyn Gretton

The disturbing truth about blue light and aging

Natural light just feels good. There’s a good reason for that: it goes hand in hand with our good health, regulating processes in the body. But less exposure to natural light and more to blue light is proving detrimental to how we age…

Joyce Hollman

Myopia epidemic: Why nearsightedness is on the rise

Experts are warning of an emerging ‘epidemic’ of myopia after observing sharp increases in the number of adult-onset cases of nearsightedness among late baby boomers. What gives and is there anything you can do about it?