Body Detox

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The power of green superfoods

If you haven’t started taking a green superfood powder yet, you’ve been missing out. But, what are they and why are they so super? The answer is that they’re like a multi-vitamin on steroids…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Signs you need a heavy metal detox

Certain elements, namely heavy metals, are considered systemic toxicants — meaning they don’t just poison one area of your body… they’re known to spread and induce multiple organ damage even at lower levels of exposure.

Margaret Cantwell

What happens when you give up gluten, sugar and dairy

Everything is different about modern foods, from they way we grow them to the way we process them, and even the way we eat them. Good foods have gone bad, and when you keep eating them, a sickness begins in your gut that eventually takes over your entire body and mind.

Jedha Dening

Detoxify your artificial life

Humans. We think we’re so smart… creating our own food and inventing technologies to make life more convenient. In fact, we’re so advanced that we may have managed to orchestrate our own demise…

Jenny Smiechowski

This detoxifying snack stops cancer in its tracks

If you want to prevent disease and attain optimum health, it’s vital to detoxify your body from the chemicals and pollutants it faces on a daily basis. The easiest way to do that is to pick out a few detoxifying foods you enjoy and add them to your daily diet, like this snack…

Dr. Brad Cutler

Detoxing your personal environment

Unless you live a very sheltered life, you’re constantly being affected by the toxins in our world. No one escapes this and some are affected environmentally more than others. But you can take steps to significantly reduce toxin exposure within your personal environment. For starters…