
Carolyn Gretton

Walk or golf: The best exercise for a healthy heart over 65

Many studies on exercise to improve heart health focus on young adults and high-intensity workouts. But for older adults, exercise choices can be limited. If you had to choose between walking, Nordic walking or golfing, which do you think would improve the numbers your doctor looks at?

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The heart attack threat healthy cholesterol scores can hide

A study has confirmed that not only can a little-known lipoprotein accurately predict your risk of developing atherosclerosis (where fatty deposits clog your arteries), it can be measured by at-home genetic testing just as accurately as bloodwork done in a doctor’s office. But if you’ve got good cholesterol numbers, your doctor isn’t looking for it…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Losing weight and gaining it back still benefits the heart

Losing weight and then putting it back on is something most of us can relate to. But don’t get too down on yourself. If improving heart health is your goal, you may be surprised to find how long even temporary weight loss does a heart good…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The sneaky gland causing cholesterol problems

If statin side effects weren’t bad enough, there’s the fact you may not even need those drugs in the first place. Your high cholesterol could actually be the result of a completely different health problem.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Is your thyroid causing your cholesterol trouble?

From muscle pain to kidney problems and double the dementia risk, it’s no wonder people are wary of statins. Besides those concerns, targeting high levels with statins, might not get to the root of your problem. That’s because cholesterol problems can start in a tiny, butterfly-shaped gland that produces some of the body’s most important hormones instead of your blood vessels.

Jenny Smiechowski

Drink away high blood pressure and bad cholesterol

If you follow a few simple rules, you can drink tomato juice until your heart’s content (and your heart will be very content — and healthy — with lower BP and cholesterol!). That’s what people in this study did, and look how it worked out for them? Ready to give it a go?