
Joyce Hollman

An inconsistent link: Cholesterol, heart disease and statins

Doctors prescribe statins to lower “bad” cholesterol and to lower risks for heart attack or stroke. But do we really need to take a drug that can elevate risks for diabetes, liver damage, and neurological and cognitive problems — especially if there is any doubt it’s not at all what it’s cracked up to be?

Carolyn Gretton

The strange side effect of too much ‘good’ cholesterol

You probably already know there are two types of cholesterol: HDL (the “good” cholesterol) and LDL (the “bad” cholesterol). HDL supports heart health and fights inflammation. But, when it comes to HDL, too much of a “good” thing may hurt your bones…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Demystifying diagnostics: Blood tests and what they mean

Blood tests are part of annual health physicals for most of us. Sometimes, though, tests may be needed beyond the basics, including more advanced and in-depth tests for disease risk profiling. Here’s your insider’s guide to blood tests…

Joyce Hollman

Worried about Alzheimer’s, cholesterol and blood pressure? There’s a tea for that

Drinking tea warms the soul. I find it one of the most soothing things I do for myself. What’s even better? Knowing this guilty pleasure has lots of researched benefits—many among the biggest health issues we face today.

Joyce Hollman

‘Good’ cholesterol’s role as heart health predictor challenged

The fact that “good” cholesterol, AKA HDL cholesterol, is beneficial to heart health is just that, a long-standing fact. But sometimes facts bear re-examining. That’s because HDL may not be the harbinger of heart health we once thought, at least not for everyone.

Joyce Hollman

The forgotten B vitamin that manages cholesterol

With natural alternatives that have been proven as effective or even more effective, why subject yourself to the risks of statins? In fact, there’s a forgotten vitamin that can safely lower “bad” LDL cholesterol without stealing your CoQ10…