
Joyce Hollman

‘Good’ cholesterol’s role as heart health predictor challenged

The fact that “good” cholesterol, AKA HDL cholesterol, is beneficial to heart health is just that, a long-standing fact. But sometimes facts bear re-examining. That’s because HDL may not be the harbinger of heart health we once thought, at least not for everyone.

Joyce Hollman

The forgotten B vitamin that manages cholesterol

With natural alternatives that have been proven as effective or even more effective, why subject yourself to the risks of statins? In fact, there’s a forgotten vitamin that can safely lower “bad” LDL cholesterol without stealing your CoQ10…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

What causes high LDL cholesterol?

You might think this post is another speech from a doctor about lifestyle factors that cause LDL (bad) cholesterol to rise. But I really just want you to know about the biochemical processes that influence cholesterol levels that aren’t alway explained to patients, and which ones you may or may not be able to control…

Craig Cooper

Beta-sitosterol: Natural support for the prostate, heart and more

Plant sterols are natural substances produced by plants. Beta-Sitosterol is one type that’s well known for supporting prostate health. But the list doesn’t stop there. Here’s how to use this popular plant substance for your best male health and more…

Jedha Dening

Cholesterol drugs: Prescription for disease?

When a physician suggests a medication, you trust them. You’d never expect them to prescribe a drug that may not actually work — much less one with links to other diseases. But that’s just what has happened…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The cholesterol drugs giving you cataracts

Lipitor is the biggest-selling drug in the history of the pharmaceutical industry, even though the evidence for using statins to lower heart attack and stroke is not as strong as once thought. But, if you’re a statin-taker, you know they do far more than just that…