
Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

New study shows 3 ways eggs benefit your heart

Remember how for years, doctors warned us not to eat eggs? They would raise our cholesterol, give us heart disease and leave us to die of a heart attack or stroke? Forget that old-school advice. The new-school lists three ways eggs do a heart good…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

What gallstones reveal about your cancer risk

Pancreatic cancer is tough. Often diagnosed late, survival rates are low. Knowing your risks can help. And now a predictor of elevated risk has been identified — a condition that could mean cancer isn’t far behind. But like those other risk factors, you can take control…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The coffee brew method that raises cholesterol most for men

Coffee. Few of us can or want to start the day without it. And why not? The health benefits keep coming, or do they? That all depends on the brew method and your sex, especially if you’re watching your cholesterol…

Joyce Hollman

Increasing your HDL cholesterol may keep Alzheimer’s away

Understanding your cholesterol numbers can get confusing. LDL, you want low. HDL you want high. Then there are triglycerides. It all adds up to your total blood cholesterol level. But a first-ever study counted small HDL particles in your brain, and Alzheimer’s is the big reason why…

Carolyn Gretton

The ‘weight optional’ diet that lowers cholesterol and blood sugar

Your doctor says you’ve got to lower your cholesterol and blood sugar. Of course, he also says to do that, you’ve got to lose weight, and you’ve found that hard. No worries. Meet the diet that gives you these benefits and more, with or without the weight loss…

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Cholesterol absorber or cholesterol producer: Which are you?

LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in the blood are determined predominantly by two very different biochemical pathways. Depending upon which one is dominant for you, it’s possible to determine how well you’ll respond to medication versus simple diet changes to lower cholesterol.