
Jenny Smiechowski

8 foods most likely to trigger diarrhea

My gut is somewhat out of whack thanks to long-term antibiotics I took several years ago. So I’m familiar with an urgent bathroom run. But there are some surprising things about some foods that can trigger diarrhea even if you have an iron stomach. If you’d rather not be caught off guard, watch out for these eight…

William Davis

How do you know if you have leaky gut?

People suffering from Leaky Gut spend years looking for relief. Knowing the symptoms and conditions that can be tied to leaky gut is a good starting point for you to nail down what’s ailing you and how to get relief…

Joyce Hollman

‘Wheaty weed’ making it hard to know if your gluten-free food really is

Whether you have celiac disease or an intolerance, gluten can send your world spinning out of control, leaving you in pain and dealing with miserable digestive issues. That’s why you avoid it like the plague. Unfortunately, that’s gotten harder. If you’ve suspected your favorite gluten-free products may not be what they claim, here’s why…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Enzymes: The safer, healthier choice for digestive upset

From gas and bloating to abdominal pain, heartburn and diarrhea, surveys show that 74 percent of Americans are living with digestive problems. If you’re one of them, you may have wondered about digestive enzymes and why you need them. Here are the answers to your questions, and the relief you need.

Joyce Hollman

The ‘infection’ allergy that may cause IBS and gluten intolerance

For too long, patients with irritable bowel syndrome and gluten sensitivity have been told it’s “all in their mind.” The reasons for their pain, cramping and other life-interrupting symptoms have been poorly understood. Now, scientists are uncovering a surprising cause that not only validates the suffering but could lead to better treatments.

Carolyn Gretton

New gluten-free ‘flour’ packed with nutrition and a dash of caffeine

It’s easier than ever to make the switch to a gluten-free diet with all the gluten-free flours and baked goods now available. However, those goods tend to lack the fiber and nutrients found in wheat. Now, there’s an alternative “flour” that can make up that shortfall…