Health News

Carolyn Gretton

Too much of a good thing: HDL and dementia

It’s been the mantra of health experts for a long time: LDL is “bad” cholesterol and should be kept low, while HDL is the “good” kind that you should have plenty of. However, the reality is much more complicated. The truth is when it comes to HDL, there can be too much of a good thing…

Joyce Hollman

The diabetes-cancer connection and how to take both down

If you or a loved one has type 2 diabetes, you know the importance of controlling it. But there’s another significant reason to manage it, better yet, help it go into remission: Cancer. Luckily, there’s one thing that can take both dangerous conditions down…

Joyce Hollman

A step closer to solving women’s autoimmune connection

Autoimmune diseases disproportionately affect the lives of women. They’re also among the top 10 causes of death for women under 65. A new discovery that may finally solve the connection has also revealed a shocking reason they’ve been so hard to diagnose…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Fasting’s inflammation-fighting trigger may work like aspirin

A unifying theory of disease strongly suggests that inflammation is the major contributing factor to disease and aging. Fortunately, scientists are fast on track to identifying what cools it down to support healthier aging…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Potentially deadly fungus on the rise: What you need to know

A potentially dangerous fungal infection is in the news again. Though cases have cropped up recently, they’ve actually been on the rise for a few years in the U.S. So what do you need to know about C. auris and how can you determine whether you or your family is at risk?

Joyce Hollman

The one thing women should eat for healthy aging

On average, women outlive their male counterparts by 6 years. And when it comes to the truly long-lived, those who live to at least 100, women make up 85 percent of the centenarian club. The challenge is decreasing the chronic disease that happens in those extra years…