Heart Attack

Joyce Hollman

The two consistent warnings women get before heart attack

Many people still think that a heart attack strikes suddenly, or with very little warning. A Harvard Health survey tells us that, for women, the warning signs can come as much as a month in advance. And they’re anything but the classic signs most people look for…

Jenny Smiechowski

Is winter really heart attack season?

As the cold weather approaches, you know you have to protect yourself from ailments like cold and flu. But what about more serious events, like heart attack? Surprsingly, as the temperatures go down our risk for heart attack goes up. Here’s why (an odd effect on blood vessels, for one) and what to do…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The deficit that makes exercise dangerous for your heart

Exercise is good for the heart. We hear it so often, you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone who disagrees. But it might not be so cut and dry… There’s another healthy activity that, if you’re not getting enough of, turns exercise into a setup for heart attack.

Carolyn Gretton

Exercise or die? What if you’ve already had a heart attack

No one likes to exercise. But every day 2,200 Americans die from a heart attack. But you know what? There are about 335,000 recurrent heart attacks each year, too. That means a lot of people survive. But is exercise a good idea after the fact, can it keep you from another, and what kind’s best?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why is heart attack mortality higher in the U.S.?

From imaging equipment to procedures like bypass or angioplasty to open a blocked artery as a heart attack happens, it would seem U.S. hospitals have all they need to provide the best care available to prevent the worst from happening. The truth may surprise you…

Joyce Hollman

A late bedtime won’t turn you into a pumpkin but possibly a heart attack statistic

There are numerous ways to lower your risk of becoming a heart disease statistic, from exercise to eating habits to stress reduction. Apparently, picking just the right bedtime is just as crucial. Too early or too late means a 12 to 25 percent increase in your risk. But there was an optimal bedtime to aim for…