Heavy Metals

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The aluminum-Alzheimer’s connection grows stronger

Everyday items we come in contact with can impact our health. One of those is aluminum, long associated with breast cancer and Alzheimer’s. As a theory, it’s controversial, but researchers find it wrapped up in brain tau tangles. Do you know all the ways you’re exposed to it?

Joyce Hollman

The mineral behind Parkinson’s brain-robbing proteins

Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s are both brain disorders. And while Parkinson’s symptoms are more physical, they share symptoms, including dementia and disease progression. New research shows they also may share a common enemy that worsens brain destroying proteins.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The surprising way an entire family got lead poisoning

What if I told you that you could be unknowingly serving up a dangerous substance in your home every day that could poison your body, cause behavior and learning problems in your children and skyrocket your risk for heart disease? This is how it happens…

Carolyn Gretton

How to combat the pollutants harming your heart

Cardiovascular disease is the No. 1 killer worldwide. And one risk factor we feel we can do little about is pollution. So-called “safe” levels have been linked to everything from Afib to heart failure, but waiting on experts to fix this problem could be too late. Here’s what you need to know to lower your risks…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Study finds a handful of heavy metals clogging major arteries

Some experts have said that at least 31 percent of the cardiovascular disease burden in the world could be avoided if environmental pollutants were eliminated. So when researchers looked at the association between toxic heavy metals and the body’s major arteries, they were shocked, but not surprised…

Jenny Smiechowski

The 3 most dangerous daily sources of aluminum and the damage it does

Besides breast cancer, aluminum exposure can cause neurotoxicity — a form of damage to the central and/or peripheral nervous system. It’s even linked to Alzheimer’s. So, you want to stay on top of your aluminum exposure, especially since research shows we’re regularly exposed to far too much…