DIY Health

Joyce Hollman

4 real health benefits of a good cry

When was the last time you had a good cry? For me, it was just the other day. When it was over, boy, did I feel good! Why? It turns out there’s science behind what tears do for your emotional well-being as well as your physical health…

Joyce Hollman

2 simple methods to try for better memory recall

As I get older, my ability to remember things is changing, and not for the better. This shift is in no way debilitating, thank goodness… just annoying. So I was thrilled to find these fun exercises to strengthen my memory, and hope you will be, too…

Easy Health Options Staff

4 times you should pay attention to your breathing

The way you breath can increase or reduce stress and anxiety, effect the beating speed of your heart and the oxygenation of your blood supply — all things that impact your health. Here are 4 times you should pay attention to how you’re breathing…

Joyce Hollman

MSG: From headaches to brain damage?

MSG is an artificial flavor enhancer that is derived from glutamate, an amino acid produced by our bodies naturally. It creates a magical taste sensation in Chinese-American food, but adulterating this formerly natural substance does some pretty nasty things to your health.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Turn your pain into a distant memory and forget about it

A big part of the reason something hurts is because your body remembers how it felt to hurt in the first place. But not only that, the memory of the pain can cause anxiety and even worse pain when you feel it again. Here’s why and what you can do about it…

Jenny Smiechowski

5 seemingly healthy habits that are bad for your brain

With so much conflicting information out there, it’s hard to know what habits truly make a difference in your brain health. You don’t want to develop a habit that’s bad rather than good for your brain. Luckily, there’s one way to clear the confusion: Ask a neuroscientist.