DIY Health

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Do this for one month and reap 10+ life-changing benefits

Whether or not you’ve already made your resolutions, there’s one you might want to add. You only need to do it for one month to get big results. In fact, it can help you sleep better, feel more energetic, lose weight — and then some…

Joyce Hollman

3 weird signs that indicate winter dehydration

Surprisingly, many experts consider the risk of dehydration higher in winter than in the hot summer months. Your body operates differently in the colder months, and its priorities may not be focused on keeping you hydrated. Here are the odd signs to look for…

Jenny Smiechowski

Brain viruses behind bowel problems

If you go to the doctor’s office and they can’t find anything else wrong, they may diagnose you with irritable bowel syndrome and send you on your way. But there could be something stranger behind your bowel trouble…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

5 essential oils that might win the fight against Lyme disease

Lyme disease is still a mysterious condition in many ways. And just as mysterious is curing it. But Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health has discovered 5 essential oils that are more effective at killing the disease than standard Lyme antibiotics.

Joyce Hollman

10 baking soda uses for health, house and hygiene

That little yellow box sitting in your refrigerator and keeping things fresh? The white powder in that box isn’t a miracle cure, but it has more amazing uses than most people realize. Here’s how to put it to use for health, house and hygiene…

Jenny Smiechowski

Why you should still exercise during cancer treatment

Going through cancer treatment, the last thing on anyone’s mind is exercise. It’s hard enough to find the energy to make dinner, go to work, let alone hop on a treadmill. But here’s why abandoning exercise during cancer treatment is a big mistake…