DIY Health

Joyce Hollman

7 things that make quitting smoking easier

Smoking causes nearly half a million deaths a year. That means that about one in every five deaths can be attributed to the dangerous habit. You know you need to quit. You know you want to. So here are some things to help you along…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Could cannabis make opioids more effective and less addictive?

Many medical conditions have qualified for treatment with cannabis: Chronic pain of any type; migraines, persistent muscle spasm, cancer, and many more illnesses. But it could keep your doctor from prescribing you other needed medications. Is this right?

Jenny Smiechowski

What cannabis and fish oil can do to cancer

You probably know that cannabis contains cannabinoids like THC and CBD. But what is remotely similar about cannabis and fish oil? The potential to impact diseases ranging from asthma to Alzheimer’s. And then of course, there’s cancer…

Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby

A natural antibiotic the world forgot

There was a time when it was the go-to wound care treatment for mothers everywhere. And they were onto something. Because it’s a natural antibiotic that’s highly effective, safe to use, inexpensive, and doesn’t lead to antibiotic resistance like pharmaceuticals…

Jenny Smiechowski

How to eat anything at dinner and still cut your cancer risk

A few sacrifices are totally worthwhile if they increase your odds of staying cancer-free, right? Then again, occasionally you stumble upon a super simple and painless way to lower your cancer risk that doesn’t require much sacrifice at all, like this…..

Jenny Smiechowski

The fruit that fights macular degeneration

Nowadays, there’s a lot of buzz about exotic super fruits that pack a powerful nutritional punch and serious disease-fighting benefits. But what about those ordinary old fruits we’ve been eating all our lives? Turns out one of those can save your eyesight…