Insulin resistance

Carolyn Gretton

The surprising effects of antioxidants on insulin resistance and metformin

The best way to combat damage from oxidative stress is with antioxidants. These powerful nutrients strike a balance against the perils of aging and inflammation that can destroy health. Now we’ve learned they can defend against a mechanism of metabolic disease that leads to insulin resistance…

Craig Cooper

Beta-sitosterol: Natural support for the prostate, heart and more

Plant sterols are natural substances produced by plants. Beta-Sitosterol is one type that’s well known for supporting prostate health. But the list doesn’t stop there. Here’s how to use this popular plant substance for your best male health and more…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Women’s biggest benefit from intermittent fasting: Lower cancer risk

For women, just getting older increases the risk of breast cancer. Being overweight takes it up a few notches. Those odds double down after 50 if you carry extra weight and the change steals your sleep. How can you upset the odds? Change when you eat…

Joyce Hollman

Weight or inches: Which matters most for heart health?

There’s no doubt that being overweight is bad for your heart, upping the odds as much as 60 percent. But some obese people have better cardiovascular health than people of healthy weight. Here’s what makes them heart-healthier than someone of normal weight…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Some animal-based foods not so bad for T2D

If you’ve been told your blood sugar isn’t so good, your doctor probably advised eating more plant-based foods, like whole grains, veggies, fruits and legumes while limiting consumption of most animal products. Good news: all animal-based foods are not equal in their effects on T2D.

Jenny Smiechowski

How one gut bug can bring all your numbers down

Aging leads to insulin resistance, leaky gut and a domino effect that robs your gut of a protective fatty acid. But if you increase one special gut bacteria, you can reverse all that and enjoy a smaller waistline, lower blood sugar and better cholesterol levels…