Krill Oil

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Move over fish and krill oil: Is this the omega-3 for you?

The fact that fish oil is packed with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids is no secret. Because it’s got its drawbacks, we can also reach for krill oil. But hold on to your hat… there’s a third contender in the ring. Is this what you’ve been waiting for to transform your health?

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Why you should take fish oil with your antibiotic

A growing number of germs are becoming harder to treat with antibiotics, like those that cause drug-resistant pneumococcal pneumonia, staph or even MRSA. But scientists may have the answer: next time you’re prescribed antibiotics, you should supplement omega-3s, too…

Carolyn Gretton

Astaxanthin: The antioxidant that challenges aging

“In the pink” is funny little phrase that’s come to describe someone in the peak of health, maybe because we associate pink cheeks or a glowing complexion with health and vitality. Whether that’s true or not, science shows what’s true about a certain pink nutrient. Discover this amazing antioxidant…

Margaret Cantwell

Energize your cells to shrink fat—literally

If you struggle with weight issues despite sticking to a reasonably healthy diet and regular exercise routine, it’s time you got in on this little secret. It isn’t your fault. The standard American diet has made you the victim of a tragic nutrient deficiency that could otherwise shrink fat cells.

Joyce Hollman

DHA: The omega-3 that’s like poison to tumors

If you’re supplementing your omega-3s, it’s probably because you know they’re tied to heart health, a longer life and a super brain. Need I say more? Well, what if I told you that one in particular killed cancer cells and slowed development of tumors?

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Hacking your gut-brain axis to defeat fatty food cravings

From butter and cheese to pizza and ice cream, fatty food cravings can doom the healthiest diet to failure. But while you may blame your taste buds for your weakness, research is telling us that it’s not really about your tongue at all…