
Carolyn Gretton

Dementia-free longevity in half a tablespoon a day

Olive oil is an elixir for life. Studies show it decreases risks for numerous ailments that make for an early grave, like heart problems. But research reveals its greatest gift may be helping us avoid this common scourge of aging…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The strange cancer risk we share with our pets

Cancer doesn’t only strike humans. It can steal away the lives of our pets. In fact, one in three dogs will develop cancer in their lifetime. Research is revealing a strange factor that can make it more likely your dog will be one of the statistics — it’s a risk our pets share with us…

Carolyn Gretton

Drink away the risk of age-related muscle loss

Research is learning more about the cellular hallmarks of aging — those that happen at a level we don’t see, but can sneak up and pull the rug out from under your feet. One of those is sarcopenia which can leave you frail and dependant, unless you drink a daily dose of trigonelline…

Carolyn Gretton

How to support your longevity organ

While it’s true that genetics can play a role in enjoying life to 100, study after study proves your genes are not your destiny. There’s one factor that may give you a major leg up in your quest to live long and healthy — and it focuses on one specific organ…

Carolyn Gretton

How to start feeling younger overnight

Is feeling old keeping you from doing the things you want to, even the things you once enjoyed? Studies have shown that “feeling” can have a real impact on your health. Here’s how to ditch it and start feeling younger overnight…

Joyce Hollman

Women’s advantage for cheating heart disease

Men and women are different in many ways, including heart disease: Men may have the higher risk, but women face a higher rate of mortality. But women have an unfair advantage that can reduce that risk as much as 30 percent with much less effort than men…