
Joyce Hollman

Spiritual fitness: The missing link for brain health

Over the past twenty years, the emerging field of neurotheology has explored the relationship between spiritual practices and meditation and a person’s overall physical and mental health. But the idea that meditation is good for the brain, and may even prevent Alzheimer’s, isn’t new at all…

Joyce Hollman

Help getting back in the saddle again following heart attack

Following a heart attack, there’s a lot of fear. No one wants to risk going through that experience again. But movement is essential to improving qualtity of life after a heart attack. A simple technique with loads of other proven health benefits is also proving to help survivors get back in the saddle again.

Jenny Smiechowski

How to use the power of your mind to reverse signs of heart disease

In the weeks after a heart attack, you need to do things differently so you don’t have another one. What should you do to turn your heart health around? Healthy eating and exercise are great starters. But there’s another component to restoring heart health that people often forget about…

Jenny Smiechowski

The habit that could make your brain nearly a decade younger

As you know, brain volume tends to shrink with age. And as a result, you start to experience some level of cognitive decline, even if you don’t end up with dementia or Alzheimer’s. But one man’s brain scans show a near lifetime practice can slow down the rate at which the brain ages…

Jenny Smiechowski

The downside to the ‘use it or lose it’ approach to a better brain

Plenty of studies show that “mind exercises” can improve memory, reasoning and processing speed to some degree or another. But one of the more recent studies shows we shouldn’t put too much stock in mental exercise, especially if we want to live longer…

Margaret Cantwell

Compassion meditation: How to slow aging and stress less

It feels like there’s not enough compassion in the world nowadays… People, whether family or strangers, are more likely to jump to judgment than kindness. But there is one big benefit of cultivating compassion… one that would inspire even the most selfish among us to give it a try…