
Carolyn Gretton

No mumbo jumbo: The mind-body connection built into your brain

The mind-body connection is usually meant as a figurative link between our thoughts and emotions and how that impacts our physical well-being, even specific health conditions. But scientists are suggesting the mind-body connection is more literal than previously thought…

Carolyn Gretton

Lower your blood pressure in 20 minutes without sweating

Sure, exercise will lower your blood pressure. But it’s not the only way. Have you ever wondered what people mean when they talk about mindfulness? It’s much more than mumbo jumbo. Not only does it take BP numbers down, it kickstarts a signaling molecule your body uses to do just that…

Joyce Hollman

Neuroplasticity: Shaping your brain for your best life

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change and develop in response to our thoughts and feelings. One neuroscientist shows us how we can fight depression, reduce stress and anxiety and improve the quality of our lives by using a method that rewires the brain to better handle these challenges.

Carolyn Gretton

A surprising impact of meditation: Immune system activation

Meditation is almost magical when it comes to improving your well-being. And researchers have taken notice. In fact, one team recently measured the impact of meditation on the body’s genes and found it could be a powerful ally in boosting your immune defenses…

Joyce Hollman

Simple hack makes mindful breathing work for pain relief

Mindful breathing has been shown effective at reducing pain — but not for everyone. If you’ve tried it for chronic pain and been disappointed, there’s good news. The way that traditional mindful breathing “engages the brain” doesn’t work for everyone. This simple hack can turn all of that around…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Meditation: Better concentration now and less degeneration later

Although millions of people around the world seek mental clarity through meditation, most of us in the U.S. ignore this powerful tool. True, most of us have little time to set aside for ourselves. But considering how much science shows the simple practice can improve concentration now and lessen the risk for degeneration, even Alzheimer’s, later, we can’t afford not to make time…