Jenny Smiechowski

How to cut MS symptoms by 50 percent

If you’ve ever doubted the difference a healthy diet and lifestyle can make in multiple sclerosis, I have good news… One of the biggest scientific studies published to-date on MS and lifestyle, shows eating and living healthy can take a big bite out of the disease.

Carl Lowe

The reason more women get multiple sclerosis and what to do about it

Recently, the actress Selma Blair came forward announcing she’s doing her best to fight Multiple Sclerosis. MS is an autoimmune disease that targets many more women than men. In a perfect world no one would suffer from it. One doctor, who’s also a patient, is doing her best to make sure that happens.

Jenny Smiechowski

Slash your MS risk 40% with a vitamin

Women are more at risk for autoimmune diseases, like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis. In fact, 78 percent of all autoimmune disease sufferers are women. But, when it comes to one of the most devastating, there may be a simple way to lower your risk…

Jenny Smiechowski

4 super supplements for MS and autoimmune support

There’s a good chance MS symptoms are aggravated by deficiencies and food allergies. Anyone who has MS, or any autoimmune disorder, like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or Sjögren’s syndrome, should get tested. But why not go ahead and support your body with super supplements?

Dr. Mark Wiley

Tai Chi and ballet ease symptoms of MS

Multiple Sclerosis is (MS) one of those confusing disease labels. The cause is difficult to find and the pathology or how the disease affects a person, varies from person to person. But MS is debilitating and life with it is a struggle of symptoms, including difficulties with coordination and balance, among many others.

Dr. Terry Wahls

10 disease factors within your control

If you were diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, or a similar autoimmune disease, you may have asked your doctor about diet and what you could do yourself to reduce your symptoms. Unfortunately, most neurologists today would shrug off that question.