Nitric Oxide

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The nutrient deficiency that leads to loneliness (and heart dangers)

Scientists discovered that loneliness can actually be ‘seen’ in our blood. While it sounds crazy, they saw that people who live with loneliness have very specific compounds in their blood, plus a nutrient deficiency that helps explains their condition and specific heart dangers…

Carolyn Gretton

Famed heart health booster blasts fat and diabetes

Nitric oxide, a natural vasodilator your body produces with the right nutrition, supports normal blood pressure. But this clever little compound does so much more, Now researchers have discovered nitric oxide could be the next big thing to fight diabetes and obesity…

Carl Lowe

Survive the heat with a single supplement

Summer heat kills. But you can help your body shrug off the dog days of summer with a simple vitamin. Sound crazy? Not when you understand how it keeps your blood moving, which cools your skin and reduces your risk for heart problems.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Boosting blood oxygen levels may halt early sign of Alzheimer’s

Healthy, oxygenated blood flow is vital. That’s why during a stroke, seconds matter. But a catastrophic event isn’t the only concern when it comes to blood oxygen levels. Research has found that the brain is operating on the bare minimum, even on a good day. On a bad day, it can lead to Alzheimer’s earliest sign…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

7 powerful health benefits of watermelon

Summertime is here and that means farmer’s markets and grocery stores across the country are once again selling that sweet, juicy fruit kids and adults alike wait all year for. And we’ve got good news: If you eat watermelon, you’re getting much more than a tasty treat…

Joyce Hollman

Genetic risk of glaucoma? Cut out the caffeine

This sneaky vision-stealer gives virtually no warning signs, not until peripheral vision starts to disappear. Even with treatment, many with the disease will lose vision in one eye. But even in those with a genetic predisposition, you can lower your risk… starting with caffeine.