Margaret Cantwell

What a week of pain relievers does to your heart

You may not realize just how quickly some painkillers can take a toll on your heart. You don’t have to take these drugs for years and years to experience an elevated heart attack risk. Damage can be done by taking them for just one week.

Joyce Hollman

Antibiotic resistance: One more reason to avoid NSAIDs

Using NSAIDs like Motrin and Advil for pain relief can damage your stomach and put you at risk of heart attack and stroke. But there’s one more reason to reach for something else… these meds could also make it harder for you to battle a resistant infection.

Jenny Smiechowski

The common drug combo that causes brain and stomach bleeding

More than 30 million people take NSAID pain relievers daily. The problem is, a lot of these same people also take a popular antidepressnt. If you’re one of them, you should know about the increased risk for brain and gastrointestinal bleeding this combination can cause….