Nutritional Deficiency

Carolyn Gretton

Want cancer protection? Magnesium levels matter

Magnesium is a critical mineral for hundreds of bodily processes. Now, researchers are exploring exactly how magnesium may help defend the body from cancer — and they’ve discovered it has to do with the immune system…

Carolyn Gretton

Phytic acid: The antinutrient found in healthy foods

We tend to see phytic acid as something to avoid because of its reputation as an antinutrient. But this plant-based substance isn’t all bad. In fact, it has some health benefits that could offset its potential for causing mineral deficiencies. So let’s dig into the conundrum…

Carolyn Gretton

The vitamin deficiency that doubles risk for heart trouble

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the No. 1 cause of death worldwide. And though we’re familiar with the three main risk factors for CVD — high cholesterol, high blood pressure and smoking — research has uncovered another, less-obvious factor that can double your risk for heart trouble…

Carolyn Gretton

The urgent reason black women should check their vitamin D levels

Vitamin D is important for bone, muscle, brain and immune system health. But the vitamin’s cancer connections are also coming to light. Studies are looking at specific cancers on the rise, how the body produces vitamin D and how skin color comes into play in. The findings are something we can’t ignore…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The surprising deficiency increasing new cases of heart disease

If you eat right and take a multi-vitamin, the thought of suffering a nutrient deficiency is the furthest thing from your mind. Besides, your doctor would let you know about it when he does your yearly blood work, right? But a silent deficiency is driving new cases of heart disease, partly because doctors could be unknowingly assessing a less accurate measure.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Get the spark you need to revive the romance in your life

Has the romance and passion in your relationship waned with the passage of time? That spark that can sometimes fade may not be as elusive and you think. As research has helped confirm, all you may need is a little time to shine to heat things up, thanks to what the “sex vitamin” can do for both men and women…