Nutritional Supplements

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 steps to avoid recurrent urinary tract infections

UTIs have become increasingly difficult to treat since the bacteria that keeps them coming back is resistant to most antibiotics. Instead of fighting infection after infection, three supplements could help you avoid them altogether…

Jenny Smiechowski

The flu-fighting supplement that starves cancer

A supplement that fights respiratory infections has been overshadowed by vitamin C, even though studies show it can reduce the likelihood of getting the flu by more than 50%. But its power to starve cancer might help it stand out…

Joyce Hollman

7 amazing benefits of pterostilbene

If you try to stay on top of your heart, brain and blood sugar health, you’re aware of resveratrol, the polyphenol found in red wine and dark chocolate. But what about its powerful cousin? From blood pressure to calorie burn, you’ll want pterostilbene in your life…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Margarita burn: The risk to watch for

If you’re hitting the pool or the beach this summer, you may want to think twice before you reach for a citrusy cocktail. You could end up with an unexpected “allergy-like” reaction that could quickly end a good time…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

3 amazing benefits of summer’s best heart-healthy vegetable

If you didn’t know, there’s a vegetable you need to take advantage of right now on your next visit to the farmer’s market. It’s the one that provides huge amounts of 8 important nutrients, a compound that lowers blood pressure and one that fights disease-causing inflammation…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

3 supplements that stop unsightly bruising

If you’re tired of those deep purple and red splotches that happen with the slightest bump and make your skin look beat up and older than it should, there is an answer… and, it’s easier than you might think.