Nutritional Supplements

Dr. Mark Wiley

Chlorella: Mother Nature’s superfood miracle

Chlorella is a true superfood, packed with amino acids, minerals, vitamins and other nutrients that support the health of the body. If you are seriously ill, suffering a modern-lifestyle disease or an athlete looking to perform and feel better, chlorella may offer just the boost you need.

Dr. Mark Wiley

Acai: Miracle of wellness

Acai is reported to be a miracle fruit that can work wonders for arthritis, cholesterol, obesity, heart health, digestion, energy, erectile dysfunction, inflammation, detoxification, diabetes, allergies, bloating, muscle cramps and oxidative stress. But how can one fruit do all that?

Joyce Hollman

The forgotten B vitamin that manages cholesterol

With natural alternatives that have been proven as effective or even more effective, why subject yourself to the risks of statins? In fact, there’s a forgotten vitamin that can safely lower “bad” LDL cholesterol without stealing your CoQ10…

Easy Health Options Staff

This vitamin gets sucked from your body when you soak up the sun

Sensibly soaking up the sun is a good way to boost your vitamin D. But research shows that while you’re soaking up the sun, the sun is soaking up your stores of another very important vitamin — one that can help your body fend off some pretty nasty illnesses and chronic conditions…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 sneaky signs of a vitamin deficiency

Even in first world countries, like the U.S., vitamin deficiencies may be more common than you would ever guess. How do you know if you’re getting enough of the nutrients considered essential? Besides having your blood tested, pay attention to these six often sneaky signs of a deficiency…

Jenny Smiechowski

Fight colds and cancer with camu camu

Need an edge this cold and flu season? It’s time you discovered the berry with up to 60 times more vitamin C than an orange, and enough potassium, calcium, protein, beta-carotene, amino acids and antioxidants to support your heart, liver, eyes and more.