
Joyce Hollman

The best diet for your body and your planet

There really isn’t much doubt that the standard American diet is killing a lot of us slowly. And some, very quickly. And, as if this weren’t bad enough, these dietary choices are killing our planet at the same time. But the planetary health diet could solve all of these problems. Good news is that it’s pretty flexible…

Joyce Hollman

10 foods with sneaky natural toxins you should avoid

If you’re a pet owner, you probably know there are certain foods and plants that can kill your dog or cat if they swallow them. And, if you’re a parent, you definitely have a list of foods that your child should never eat. But as a healthy adult, there are also foods that are surprisingly toxic to you. Avoid these 10…

Jenny Smiechowski

The scariest ingredient in the cereal aisle

It makes continental breakfasts bearable. Plus, it’s just an all-around good snack in a pinch (ask Jerry Seinfeld). And it’s fortified. But there is a serious problem with our cereal that goes beyond its sugar, carb or grain content… Too many popular cereals are chock-full of a health-compromising chemical.

Joyce Hollman

Giving up dairy? Here are some plant-based alternatives to choose from

There was a time when giving up dairy was pretty bleak. Now, the choices are abundant. But are these milk alternatives really “milk?” What is their nutritional value, and how do they compare to dairy milk? How can you choose, and how can you be sure you’re choosing the best one for you? Here’s the skinny…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

4 ways watermelon boosts your energy (slideshow)

This summer fruit isn’t just juicy and sweet, it’s also chock-full of nutrients that ward off fatigue and its hidden causes. Let’s take a look at all the ways eating watermelon can give you more energy.

Jenny Smiechowski

16 vegetables that turn on a powerful tumor suppressor

Genes. It’s easy to curse fate for giving you less than perfect ones… Unfortunately, some are more serious than a painful pair of fallen arches or skin that doesn’t make for stunning selfies. Hidden somewhere in your genetic code may be a tendency toward cancer. That doesn’t mean you can’t beat those odds…