
Jenny Smiechowski

All whole grains aren’t as healthy as you’ve been made to think

Fiber is a health-giving, life-saving nutrient. Research shows eating a high fiber diet decreases the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and colorectal cancer. It also extends life expectancy. The problem is, not all sources of fiber deliver the same benefits — especially if they’re “whole grain.”

Jenny Smiechowski

How potatoes can help pump up your muscles

Potatoes are probably the most controversial vegetable. No one would say that broccoli is unhealthy, but potatoes have plenty of naysayers… mostly because they’re high in carbs. But the truth is that potatoes are a good source of nutrients, including protein that can fuel your muscles.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

6 ways apple cider vinegar could save your health

When you think of apple cider vinegar, you probably picture that tangy salad dressing that makes your mouth water or that tart marinade that gives your favorite chicken dish an extra kick. But, if you’re only using the flavor-packed powerhouse in your cooking, you could be missing out on some big health benefits…

Jenny Smiechowski

The clean 15 and dirty dozen fruit and veggie guide for 2020

I buy a lot of my food organic, but not all of it. Sometimes, the price tag is so steep that I convince myself my body can handle a little dose of pesticides for the sake of my pocketbook. But based on all I’ve learned about pesticides and produce, I know I need to be strategic about which foods I buy organic and which ones I don’t…

Jenny Smiechowski

The best way to feed your muscles so you don’t lose them with age

If you’re like most people, you’re not a planner when it comes to protein… Some meals you eat lots of protein. Other meals you don’t eat much. But you figure it all evens out in end. Unfortunately, that assumption could cost you something very important — your muscles.

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Using food to boost immunity — for Coronavirus and beyond

The immune system is complex and comprised of many components. And it can be supported to function at its best — and at every level. Several vitamins and nutrients are vital for that but are typically under-consumed by most Americans. Learn more in Dr. Klodas’ video chat…