
Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

4 reasons to start eating apples the RIGHT way

Your gut microbiome is made up of millions and millions of bacteria, both good and bad that influence your health. And, the foods you eat play a big role in determining the diversity and balance of that bacteria. Now, a study has demonstrated how just one fruit could tip the balance for good or ill in your gut…

Craig Cooper

7 foods that reduce joint pain

Regardless of your level of activity, joint pain can affect your performance and your enjoyment. You can tackle this challenge by selecting from a wide variety of anti-inflammatory and pain medications, or signing up for physical therapy. You also can choose these 7 foods that help reduce joint pain.

Dr. Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC

Why all the fuss about protein is a waste of time

Most of us think if we don’t eat meat, fish, eggs or dairy we’re not getting any protein in our diet. But that’s NOT protein. It’s FOOD. And the protein content of those foods is not necessarily related to the protein content of your body. Because the only protein that’s present in your body was made in your body…

Joyce Hollman

Cruciferous vegetables: The good, the bad and the gas

Broccoli. Kale. Brussels sprouts. Cruciferous vegetables… the holy grail of health. It’s pretty much a fact of life by now that including enough of this family of vegetable in your daily diet is a sure ticket to health, and that not eating them at all is asking for problems. But there are some dos and don’ts…

Joyce Hollman

Choosing the right wine for your healthier lifestyle

People who drink wine moderately have lower rates of heart attacks and diabetes, live longer and have healthier brains. There are hundreds of studies that show this. However, not all wines are created equal. So, how do you go about finding a wine that offers you the best health benefits possible?

Jenny Smiechowski

Should you go low-carb to keep your brain sharp?

Younger generations have gone all-in on low-carb diets like keto and paleo. But what if you’re in the over 60-set? There is some new evidence that this diet could have big benefits for older adults who embrace it… especially if your memory and thinking skills aren’t what they used to be…