Side Effects

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The cholesterol drugs giving you cataracts

Lipitor is the biggest-selling drug in the history of the pharmaceutical industry, even though the evidence for using statins to lower heart attack and stroke is not as strong as once thought. But, if you’re a statin-taker, you know they do far more than just that…

Joyce Hollman

Is your doctor prescribing you drugs on the ‘danger list’?

There are a few classes of drugs you should be wary of… they can cloud your mind, reduce your abilities and they’re slow to leave your system. That increases risk of injury. What do you do if your doctor prescribes them? Try this…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The pill that increases blood clot risk 24x in obese women

For women, hormones can wreak havoc on the arteries, leading to dangerous, even life-threatening issues. And while some of these hormonal issues occur naturally, like during menopause, others not so much: like carrying extra weight and taking the wrong pills…

Joyce Hollman

5 things you need to know about drug interactions with cannabinoids

The effect of cannabinoids, when compounded with the effects of certain other drugs, can create some dangerous symptoms. Here’s what you need to know about possible interactions before you start to use CBD.

Margaret Cantwell

What a week of pain relievers does to your heart

You may not realize just how quickly some painkillers can take a toll on your heart. You don’t have to take these drugs for years and years to experience an elevated heart attack risk. Damage can be done by taking them for just one week.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Long-term use of these anxiety drugs fuels dementia

Many of us suffer from an unseen condition that can make every day difficult. Sometimes it even feels like a heart attack. But it’s not. It’s anxiety. And in a rush to take anything to feel better, we eagerly accept medication. But the long-term damage may be worse than any anxiety attack…