
Jenny Smiechowski

Not a veggie fan? Eat just this ONE for clearer arteries

Most people with atherosclerosis don’t know they have it until artery-clogging problems show up, like stroke or heart attack. So, what can you do to steer clear? Eat the one vegetable that reduces vascular calcification.

Carolyn Gretton

How your parents may have increased your stroke risk by 60%

Let’s start with what’s shocking about the fact that there’s a 50% chance your parents inceased your risk of stroke as an adult by 61%: It’s not hereditary. It’s not something they passed from their genes, but it’s just as unintentional…

Carolyn Gretton

A signal before stroke and dementia

Short telomeres are linked to diseases of aging, including a recently added trio of brain conditions. But researchers now think this biomarker of cellular aging may not be the cause, but part of the remedy if we heed it…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Aspirin: A high-risk gamble or perfect prevention?

Innocuous little white tablets, perfect for a headache and a blood thinner anyone can grab at the drugstore. But it turns out an awful lot of us don’t realize the true scope of aspirin’s dangers or benefits and for whom which is which.

Carolyn Gretton

Movements that reduce risk for heart attack and stroke in minutes

They say fewer than one in five middle-aged adults gets enough exercise. But what about all the other types of movement you get in a day? You’ll be shocked at what researchers found when they measured those benefits…

Joyce Hollman

Blood samples connect loneliness to stroke, heart disease and diabetes

Research has long shown that social relationships positively influence our wellbeing, and that loneliness has major health consequences, including heart disease, stroke and diabetes. The proof is in our blood…