
Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Two hot drinks that could lower your risk of stroke and dementia

Do you prefer coffee or tea? Either way, if you’re drinking the optimum amount you’re doing yourself some big favors, especially when it comes to risk of stroke and dementia. You may love either drink, but they love your brain more…

Joyce Hollman

Eat more fish to lower risk of vascular brain disease, stroke and dementia

Vascular brain disease involves damage to blood vessels in the brain and is a risk factor for vascular dementia and stroke. Sounds quite scary and it is. But if you’re eating the right stuff — specifically the best brain food — you can greatly lower your risk for the disease and the dangers that come with it.

Joyce Hollman

The drink that lowers stroke risk in 3 cups a day

Images of the hearts of heavy, moderate, and light coffee drinkers reveal that people who drank coffee daily had hearts that were of a healthier size, and that functioned more efficiently. But it was the association between habitual coffee intake and the incidence of heart attack, stroke, and death that really raised eyebrows…

Joyce Hollman

Alzheimer’s to stroke: What playing an instrument does for your brain

At any given moment, I can listen to the right tune to help me feel calmer, happier, more focused or primed for sleep. But playing music also improves your life in multiple ways. In fact, learning to play a musical instrument is well worth the effort, especially for your brain, even if you don’t start learning until you’re an older adult…

Carolyn Gretton

Walking significantly raises survival odds after a stroke

Walking is probably one of our favorite forms of exercise. But many hardcore fitness freaks might cast doubt on the benefits of waking a few hours a week. If they are ever unfortunate enough to experience stroke, they may change their minds. Reducing risk of death up to 80 percent is nothing to scoff at…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Losing height? Why mid-life shrinkage is a stroke risk warning

If you’re nearing 50 and find that you’re simply not as tall as you used to be, you’re not alone. That’s because height loss due to the shrinking of your spinal discs, compression fractures and poor posture often start adding up by your 5th decade. It may be a blow to your ego but an ever bigger one to your health. Good news: you can slow it.