
Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Coffee lovers benefit from lower prostate cancer risk

For all you male coffee lovers worried about the possibility of prostate cancer in your future, listen up: Past studies have already linked coffee to a lower relative risk of liver, bowel, and breast cancers. Now you can add prostate cancer to the list.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

7 reasons your sex drive (and your health) may be lagging

It’s normal to go through ups and downs when it comes to your sex drive. However, if you’ve found that your libido is chronically lagging, there could be something more going on. And even though it’s easy to just fall into a rut, a healthy sex life has too many health benefits to give up on…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The common testosterone thief targeting men and women

Testosterone is the elixir of life, an antidote to some of the worst health issues plaguing us today. You might think it’s just men who need to protect their levels as much as possible. But women need it to… because this testosterone-thief doesn’t discriminate.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

The weight loss trap that tanks testosterone

Living with low T can lead to far more than feeling older and more out of shape than you would like. In fact, low testosterone in men is linked to a higher risk of death from heart disease and other causes. One of the easiest ways to boost it is through weight loss, unless you make this very common diet mistake…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Testosterone therapy may hurt men’s hearts

Testosterone therapy is a rapidly growing market – one that’s expected to hit $1 billion by 2024. In addition to improving sexual health, it can boost a man’s general health. But, just like HRT for women, male testosterone replacement therapy is not without risks…

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Need a testosterone boost? Do something thrilling

Hormones can cause a lot of problems. If your testosterone goes down, so does your libido and energy levels. Your muscles and bones can become weaker, your body fat can go up and you can end up with more rolls around your belly. If you’re a thrill-seeker, there’s a fun way to boost it…