
Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Reduce COVID-19 anxiety and depression with these free apps

If you’re feeling anxious, down, or lonely in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic you’re not alone. Anxiety and depression numbers have skyrocketed since the lockdowns began. A collection of apps can help significantly reduce your stress and anxiety, and they’re free!

Joyce Hollman

6 habits that hijack your immune system

You probably already know that bad nutrition and poor sleep can sabotage your immune system. But there are some lesser-known habits you may be engaging in right now that are compromising your immune system’s ability to protect you at a time when you need it most.

Jenny Smiechowski

12 unusual COVID-19 symptoms that are striking seniors

COVID-19 has us on high alert for fever, cough, shortness of breath, not to mention the loss of taste and smell and red eyes. But according to medical experts, seniors may start acting “off” before they develop these symptoms. Here’s how COVID-19 affects them and 12 signs to watch for…

Jenny Smiechowski

High selenium diet increases chance of COVID-19 survival

With COVID-19 going around, you want your immune system to be primed and ready to fight if and when it needs to. That means you should pay a little extra attention to the vitamins and minerals you’re getting daily. A new scientific review shows that high selenium levels could be linked to a higher likelihood of surviving COVID-19…

Joyce Hollman

Experts agree: Dietary supplements can help in the fight against COVID-19

We know that, as of now, there’s no cure for COVID-19 infection. The best defenses have been social distancing and handwashing. But what about nutrition? Now an international team of physician-researchers is advising vitamins and minerals that support immunity in this battle…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

10 foods to avoid when you’re fighting a virus

If the last couple of years have taught us anything, it’s that prevention is worth its weight in gold. But you should know, just like there are foods that can boost your health when you need it most, there are some foods that, no matter what bug you’re fighting, you should avoid like, well… the plague.