Vitamin D

Carolyn Gretton

The surprising connection between MS and the sun

Sun exposure may be rough on the skin, but it has a lot of upsides for our sleep, mood and vitamin D levels. And now researchers are discovering that the benefits of sunlight may go even further by protecting us from certain autoimmune diseases…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Get the spark you need to revive the romance in your life

Has the romance and passion in your relationship waned with the passage of time? That spark that can sometimes fade may not be as elusive and you think. As research has helped confirm, all you may need is a little time to shine to heat things up, thanks to what the “sex vitamin” can do for both men and women…

Joyce Hollman

10 factors that increase bone fracture risk

Research has identified 10 factors that, if they apply to you, add up to a 30 percent higher chance you’ll suffer a fracture in the next two decades. Some of them are beyond your control. But there are a few you can address now to prevent broken bones later on.

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The vitamin deficiency found to fuel addiction

Some blame Big Pharma for pushing the drugs in the first place. Others lay the problem at the feet of doctors who continue to prescribe the medications, despite alternatives. But there’s something the experts may be missing about the opioid crisis: a vitamin deficiency that makes the body more sensitive to the drug’s effects…

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

The ties between vitamin D deficiency and cancer get stronger

From neurological diseases to depression and blood pressure, vitamin D is the golden child for fighting off health problems that often increase with age. The vitamin even took the spotlight during the pandemic. Now, more evidence is mounting to show that more vitamin D in your life matters against colon cancer.

Virginia Tims-Lawson

Fishing for better blood sugar? Try these tiny fish

Sardines. You either love them or you hate them. But if you were at a high-risk level for type 2 diabetes — meaning you’re prediabetic — and eating just a few a day could turn all that around for you, why not give it a try? Still need convincing? Check out these impressive results…