
Dr. Mark Wiley

Get a stronger core, flatter tummy and better posture in one yoga pose

If you’ve tried to sit or stand using better posture, you’ve probably noticed the first place you feel it is in your tummy area. Here’s where the really simple “boat” pose can help your posture and train those muscles for a firm, tight and flat tummy…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Yoga’s full-body workout: Downward facing dog

Yoga is known to help with depression, decrease stress and improve sleep and boost immunity. But this one popular yoga pose is practically a full-body workout that helps strengthen your arms, shoulders, core and legs, while also stretching the spine…

Jenny Smiechowski

Biweekly yoga gives you a bigger brain

If you do yoga, you may have noticed that yoga changes your thoughts, mood and emotions for the better. So it’s got to be doing something inside that noggin of yours, right? Well, it absolutely is. It’s actually altering the physical structure of your brain…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Tortoise Pose: A stress-busting, sleep-promoting stretch

Yoga has many poses, or asanas, as they are collectively known. One of the more advanced ones is known as Kurmasana, or tortoise (turtle) pose. This posture offers a great stretch for the spine, upper back, shoulders, legs and groin.

Dr. Mark Wiley

Stretch your spine to decrease back pain

Often times, back pain occurs from muscles that become too tight and restrict range of motion while also compressing or irritating nerves. Stretching the muscles and opening up the space between the spinal vertebrae is a great way to feel better…

Dr. Mark Wiley

Yoga is strong medicine for depression

Depression is a dark cloud in the lives of millions of people. Yoga is a group of ancient Indian practices that includes physical posture, mantra recitation, specific breathing techniques and discipline to effect changes in the body and mind. So what’s the connection?