4 cancer prevention strategies every senior should practice

Seniors represent a growing population at special risk of cancer.

In fact, more than two-thirds of all new cancers are diagnosed in adults age 60 and up.

That means of all the cancer diagnoses that will occur this year, over 67 percent will be in people over 60.

If you’re in this special group, or fast approaching it, experts are now warning that because of this extreme level of risk, cancer prevention strategies should be first and foremost on your mind — and your doctor’s.

The data on cancer and seniors

Prevention and Control at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) convened a meeting of multidisciplinary experts to examine opportunities for public health action to reduce cancer risk and promote health among older adults. Their discussions resulted in 11 separate articles appearing in a new supplement to the journal The Gerontologist from The Gerontological Society of America.

Their recommendations and observations came down to two things:

  1. Cancer development is a multi-step process involving a combination of factors – Every cancer risk factor is not only a component of cancer causation but also an opportunity to prevent the disease. And, these opportunities exist any time up to the occurrence of the final component, even years after the first.
  2. Cancer prevention requires a range of targets – Because of the numerous factors that can increase your risk of a cancer diagnosis, its’ important to address a wide range of cancer prevention activities.

“A comprehensive approach to cancer prevention at older ages would lower exposures to known causes of cancer, promote healthy social and physical environments, expand the appropriate use of clinical preventive services, and engage older adults in these efforts,” the editors, including Lisa C. Richardson, MD, MPH of the CDC, sum it up in the opening article.

Sadly enough, however, cancer prevention efforts rarely focus on the distinct needs and circumstances of older people…

4 cancer prevention tips seniors should follow

That means that while your doctor might not focus on cancer prevention strategies that apply to your stage of life, you can. Here are a few cancer prevention tips to start taking seriously…

#1 – Practice sun protection

Hands-down, the most common type of cancer is skin cancer. Take steps to protect yourself from sun exposure and the damaging UV rays that can lead to cancerous changes.

Use a mineral-based sunscreen, cover exposed areas with tightly woven clothing, and avoid the midday sun (between 10 am and 4 pm when the sun’s rays are strongest) whenever possible.

It’s also a very good idea to visit the dermatologist regularly.

#2 – Eat healthy

The Mayo Clinic recommends eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and limiting alcohol and processed meats as part of a dietary cancer prevention strategy.

It’s also important to note that studies show that women who eat a Mediterranean diet, with a focus on healthy fats, like olive oil, whole grain, fish and nuts, are at a lower risk of breast cancer. Since women over the age of 70 are at the highest risk of breast cancer, switching to this type of diet could be key to avoiding the diagnosis as you age.

Related: Finding the best diet for prostate health

#3 – Stay active and watch your weight

Both regular physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight have been linked to a lower risk of certain types of cancers that are more common with age.

Related: Why obesity before 50 spells cancer

A good exercise goal is 30 minutes per day of moderate physical activity.

#4 – Get regular medical care

Performing regular self-exams and making sure your cancer screenings are up to date helps to ensure that any cancerous changes are caught early, when they’re the most treatable.

As you age, your risk of cancer skyrockets but the disease is preventable when you focus on modifying your risk factors. Use the tips above and remember the old saying, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

Editor’s note: Discover how to live a cancer prevention lifestyle — using foods, vitamins, minerals and herbs — as well as little-known therapies allowed in other countries but denied to you by American mainstream medicine. Click here to discover Surviving Cancer! A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding the Causes, Treatments and Big Business Behind Medicine’s Most Frightening Diagnosis!


  1. Experts urge stronger emphasis on cancer prevention in older population — EurekAlert!
  2. Cancer prevention: 7 tips to reduce your risk — Mayo Clinic
Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

By Dr. Adria Schmedthorst

Dr. Adria Schmedthorst is a board-certified Doctor of Chiropractic, with more than 20 years of experience. She has dedicated herself to helping others enjoy life at every age through the use of alternative medicine and natural wellness options. Dr. Schmedthorst enjoys sharing her knowledge with the alternative healthcare community, providing solutions for men and women who are ready to take control of their health the natural way.