5 fake estrogens that ruin your sex drive and cause man boobs

Deli meat sandwich

4. Wrapped deli meats

If you’re like me, you love a good sandwich. But, you might want to forgo that packaged meat and make your own luncheon meet at home by cooking your own ham or roast beef.

That’s because a study in Environmental Health Perspectives found that most plastic products (like the bags and boxes that deli meat comes in) release estrogen-like chemicals — even if they’re BPA-free.

In fact, one of the products the researchers specifically tested was deli packaging.

Read: 18 ways to protect declining sperm and T-levels

Virginia Tims-Lawson

By Virginia Tims-Lawson

Virginia Tims-Lawson has dedicated her life to researching and studying natural health after her mother had a stroke that left her blind in one eye at the age of 47, and her grandmother and two great uncles died from heart attacks. Spurred by her family history, Virginia’s passion to improve her and her family’s health through alternative practices, nutrients and supplements has become a mission she shares through her writing. She is founder of the nutritional supplement company Peak Pure & Natural®.