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Easy Health Options Staff

Cool the heat that fires depression

A recent review of 200 papers and clinical trials on depression found it’s not “brain chemistry” or some other unproven theory that was closely associated with depression. The authors discovered what really “fans the flames” of depression, and it “feeds on the heat.”

Dr. Isaac Eliaz

Gift yourself less stress during the holidays

Chronic stress isn’t difficult to recognize: we feel overwhelmed and anxious; wired and exhausted at the same time, and our brain just doesn’t seem to function as well. Each additional task weighs on us. No wonder it’s called “Holiday Madness.”

Cara McCarthy

Is your mind playing tricks on you — or is it something more?

If you’ve ever been scared you were going crazy — thought you saw or heard something that really wasn’t there — don’t worry too much. You’re probably one of the 5 percent of people who, like me, experience hallucination at some point in life.

Dr. Mark Wiley

The 8 step technique to a powerful new you

Negatives thoughts and feelings can be paralyzing. In fact, psychological distress can increase your odds of death from heart disease. But you can learn to turn off those negative feelings with a simple technique…

Jenny Smiechowski

Getting creative makes you happy fast

If you forget to take care of yourself and make time for the things you love in life, it won’t take long before you’re feeling listless and depressed. But there’s a simple tactic you can try to quickly transform your downward spiral into the exact opposite…

Easy Health Options Staff

Holiday stress survival guide

It’s that time again. Seems we just cleared the table from Thanksgiving, then came Hanukkah and now Christmas is here. Before you know it, it will be New Year’s Day. Tis the holiday season and everyone is merry and bright, right? Not so fast…


Jenny Smiechowski

The technique that eases depression when medicine fails

More than 41 million Americans take prescription antidepressants. About half aren’t helped by these drugs, and many others muddle through with nagging side effects. That means millions of Americans are still searching for a better solution, like this one…

Dr. Michael Cutler

When you don’t feel thankful

We’re supposed to feel thankful at Thanksgiving. But what if you just don’t? Joyous reminders of the holiday season ahead may not make you feel good if you believe things are going wrong…

Dr. Michael Cutler

Are toxic relationships making you sick?

When successfully nurtured, relationships should give you energy, motivation and promote health. But how do you know if you’re in a toxic or unhealthy relationship? Answer these questions…

Easy Health Options Staff

To improve mood and think better — go to recess

Did you know your grown-up mind could use — and benefit from — some purposeful playtime? Play could improve your cognitive habits and improve performance where your creative skills are needed most — problem solving.

Dr. Mark Wiley

Too many therapy sessions? Here’s why it’s not working

Because they are multi-faceted, psychological issues like depression cannot be cured or best managed by single modalities. I recommend thinking outside the box and combining therapies for best results.

Jenny Smiechowski

A quick way to cool heated emotions

You’ve felt it before — that uncomfortable feeling of shame and embarrassment after you say or do something you regret. Well, the latest research suggests there may be an easy antidote to this type of regret. And it’s not a prescription pill to numb your mind or a stiff drink to bury your emotions….