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Easy Health Options Staff

Mega heart and brain health all in one

You already know that inflammation is bad. Just the word doesn’t sound good. High blood pressure, heart disease, pain, and Alzheimer’s are just a few of the results of the disease of inflammation.

Jenny Smiechowski

Ancient memory loss antidote still works

What scares you most about getting older? For a lot of people, the answer’s easy: memory loss. Memory loss is one of the most common problems that comes with aging — one in eight seniors experience it.

Jenny Smiechowski

The food that steals your memories

What you eat affects your body and your brain. But did you know certain foods could actually be stealing your memories? It’s true. All of the wonderful memories you’ve built up over a lifetime could be wiped clean because of a few bad food choices…

Easy Health Options Staff

Quiet the thoughts causing your anxiety

Anxiety can ruin your life — and your health. And if you’ve ever experienced it, as many American’s have, you can feel powerless at controlling it and the negative thoughts that race through your head. How can you stop it?

Easy Health Options Staff

3 ways to think yourself young

Plenty of people take supplements, watch what they eat and exercise in an effort to fight aging and live longer. But scientists have found that three simple changes can turn back the clock in ways that can actually be measured in your cells. And it starts with…

Dr. Terry Wahls

Stress: Let it work for you

Stress has a bad reputation. You’ve probably heard that it’s going to kill you, or at least damage you in some way. Just thinking about the consequences of stress is enough to make you feel…really stressed! But stress gets bad press, and the situation isn’t quite what you might think. Stress can actually be a good thing.


Jenny Smiechowski

7 evidence-based ways attitude heals or kills you

Are you a ‘glass half-full’ kind of person? If so, you can look forward to a longer, healthier life than people on the pessimistic side. Why? Because the mere act of looking on the bright side of life has a profound effect on your body.

Easy Health Options Staff

Stronger, smarter and happier in just days with the super seven

You’ve probably hear that the secret to feeling energetic and on top of your game is in the food you eat. But what does that mean? Well, a study that aimed to answer that question found a surprising link between eating at least…

Dr. Mark Wiley

7 secrets for sustaining wellness

Start doing these seven magnificent things right now so you can boost your wellness, maintain great health and improve your quality of life.

Jenny Smiechowski

Why is anxiety giving men cancer?

Chronic anxiety is paralyzing. The non-stop worry and fear prevent you from living your life and can take a toll on you emotionally, professionally and socially. And if you’re a man it can give you cancer.

Jenny Smiechowski

The berry that banishes PTSD-related blues

All of a sudden you can’t sleep. You have nightmares, not to mention paralyzing anxiety attacks and depression. It’s post-traumatic stress disorder. And it doesn’t only affect war veterans.

Easy Health Options Staff

21 happy days to perfect health

The human body is not a machine, no matter what you have heard. So where it can seem as though bio-systems like our immune cells run on autopilot, they don’t. The immune system needs input and care … and the good news is, immune cells get stronger when you give them TLC.